Nu stiu de ce esti un bou

5:27:52 PM alex_deva2002: hello...?

5:28:19 PM luvp28: hi

5:28:43 PM alex_deva2002: can i help you?

5:30:20 PM luvp28: bye

5:30:28 PM alex_deva2002: that works too :)

luvp28 wants your attention! (5:30:56 PM)
luvp28 wants your attention! (5:36:28 PM)

5:37:52 PM alex_deva2002: why do you keep buzzing me if you told me "bye"?

5:38:20 PM luvp28: sorry

5:38:33 PM alex_deva2002: for buzzing me, for telling me "bye" or just sorry in general?

5:38:37 PM luvp28: i dont know
5:38:37 PM luvp28: bye
5:39:51 PM luvp28: how are u

5:40:07 PM alex_deva2002: do you even know what "bye" means?

Esti un bou-cadou!

12:47:25 PM alex_deva2002: hello...?

12:48:00 PM philomena_appiah: hiiiiiiii
12:48:09 PM philomena_appiah: how are you doing?

12:48:24 PM alex_deva2002: fine, thank you
12:48:26 PM alex_deva2002: can i help you?

12:48:33 PM philomena_appiah: yeah
12:48:46 PM philomena_appiah: you are welcome

12:49:29 PM alex_deva2002: i'm welcome?
12:49:30 PM alex_deva2002: for what?

12:59:26 PM philomena_appiah: anyway what are you looking for?

1:00:16 PM alex_deva2002: you contacted me!

1:01:18 PM philomena_appiah: yeah
1:01:36 PM philomena_appiah: i saw your yahoo id from
1:01:54 PM philomena_appiah: and i was soo excited when i saw you

1:02:22 PM alex_deva2002: why?

1:03:12 PM philomena_appiah: becos i wish you are the gift from God set you to me

1:04:09 PM alex_deva2002: i'm afraid you're mistaking me for pizza or something

1:04:56 PM philomena_appiah: oh why?

1:05:27 PM alex_deva2002: i just checked and there's no pink ribbon around me...