The 32 hours day

I'm in Boston.

(that's probably as close as I'll ever be to a university)

Sounds easier than it was. I flew to Budapest, spent the night in a hotel, then flew to Paris next morning, then crossed the Atlantic. This last flight took 12 hours, including the 4 hours delay that we spent on the runway waiting for the snowing to stop. Altogether my Tuesday lasted for 32 hours. The nice part was getting to see the same sunset twice, over the Atlantic. Nice, that.


In the Paris airport I was waiting to board behind a group of American tourists. Older people, over 50, all of them. They were making smalltalk, and one particularly genial gentleman asks:

"We're in Paris, so why is the airport called CDG?"

They think, they check their papers, then an older lady's bulb lights:

"It's called the Charles De Gaulle airport" (pronounces it like the English 'Charles', not like the French word.)

"Ooooh," lightens the gentleman. Then, after a moment, more puzzled:

"So what does the G stand for then?"

1 comentarii:

Daca ai fi trecut prin sistemul de educatie de aici, n-ai mai fi asa aspru. Si nici eu asa sarcastica.
In fond, nu stiu citi francezi (sau romani) ar sti de unde vine numele "Logan" pt aeroportul din Boston (without Google-ing it)
Funny nonetheless.