Given that I am shorter than the average male height at my age by about 0.055 m, and taking into account the relativistic effect of gravitational time dilation computed using the Schwarzschild metric, time flows slower for me than for most of you, because my brain is closer to Earth than yours is.
Therefore my observed second is longer than your observed second.
By how much? Irb gives me a factor of 1.39065833056035e-09, which means that during 50 years, I experience an extra 1.19279005562756 seconds compared to someone of average height.
Of course, that number is actually higher given that I live on the first floor and I lean down a lot to help my kid.
So if you play basketball and you live on the 10th floor and you fly a lot... sorry.
(Yes, of course I was talking about my second.)
Publicat de
Alex Deva
1 comentarii:
My Tomboy alter ego got you beat.
Nenorocosii sa se opreasca aici, pentru a nu-si pierde din secundele pretioase)
Now, in ce-i priveste pe nenorocosi... mai taie, mai taie, ca uite asa isi maninca secundele lor mai scurte. Sinteza, domnule, sinopsa, rezumatul, ce atitea comentarii, atitea vorbe “nesfirsite, rasmestecate” (sa citez un iubitor al concisului in altii). Plus, de ce distrugi tot farmecul produs de necunoscut, de neinteles?? Lasa-i, domnule, sa se perpeleasca,sa se intrebe, what the hell???,sa se tavaleasca in dulcea frustrare a nestiintei, pina cind, cu parul vilvoi si ochi exoftalmici or ridica mainile la cer si-or striga, dar pe limba lor, why me?? Stimuleaza-i, domnule, stimuleaza-le curiozitatea, imaginatia, ca doar de-aia au access la Google, lasa-i sa afle de capul lor, sa invete ceva, sa aiba cu ce se mindri, si tu la fel!
… Uite aici varianta pentru nenorocosi, si iti sugerez ca intotdeauna sa adaugi asa o Varianta 2, pe care sa o postezi prima, desigur.
“Given that I am shorter than the average male height at my age, time flows slower for me than for most of you. Na-nah-nah-na-na!!”
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