My new Suunto X10 wristwatch broke.
Skipping over why it broke in the first place, I'll just say that I eventually decided to have it serviced.
This was a tough decision as I was almost sure that Suunto would reject my request, given that I'd got the thing from eBay (thanks, sis!) and it came with no warranty.
So I went to Suunto's website and followed the steps to register a problem.
I got an answer within a few hours (from a human) instructing me how to fill in a service request. And by "instructing" I mean I got a printable PDF with graphics even a monkey can understand.
I filled in a simple form, and I dialed a Romanian DHL number which Suunto also provided.
The next morning the yellow DHL dude rang the front door and I gave him the wristwatch. (Technically it's called a "wrist-top computer".) No original box, no warranty papers, no cables, nothing.
1 week later I got an email from Suunto apologizing that it'll take more than the promised 7 days.
A couple of days later I got another email with a DHL tracking link and then the yellow DHL dude rang again and handed me back the device like new.
Total effort: 5 minutes (filling a simple form, making a phone call).
Total cost: 0 (zero).
Conclusion: Suunto wins.
By comparison, having my Apple laptop serviced within warranty implied me going to Bucharest on my own budget, locating the Apple service center, making an appointment, explaining the hows and whys, having all paperwork inspected and wasting an incongruous amount of time and cash. Apple loses.
Yes, Macs rarely ever break. Yes, the Suunto device was new and the fault was not rare and it was obviously at their door. But that these things work is normal, not a merit. The true merit of a hardware vendor lies in how they deal with the abnormal events, like a break-down or factory faults.
In all my experience with serviced products, I have never been as satisfied as I am now with Suunto.
Publicat de
Alex Deva
1 comentarii:
Interesant, ai fost norocos. Probabil te numeri printre cei 2-3% romani care beneficiaza de o asemenea promptitudine in repararea unui produs aflat in garantie. Din pacate pentru Romania sloganul "clientul nostru, stapanul nostru" este doar o insiruire de cuvinte ce reusesc sa "produca" un zambet sarcastic pe fata unui vanzator. Ma intreb cat de diferita ar fi fost experienta aceasta daca ai fi luat ceasul (sau "wrist-top computer" ca sa nu te superi pe mine) de la un importator roman?
Oricum, situatia e destul de tragica in mica noastra tarisoara, preturile sunt 2x, 3x fata de strainatate si doamne fereste sa ai probleme cu un produs. Practic relatia vanzator-client este incheiata in momentul in care ai iesit din magazin, mai departe esti pe cont propriu.
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